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Facial Aging

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What is Facial Aging?


Ageing of our face is a complex, unremitting process which leads to functional and aesthetic changes. The process starts from infancy and continues throughout life. The time that damage takes to manifest varies significantly between individuals (with the classical signs of ageing usually becoming apparent between 20 – 40 years of age). Facial ageing is inevitable: however, there are methods that can be used to help slow down the ageing process and options to help to disguise the changes once they have occurred.


The typical signs of facial ageing are:​


  • ine lines and wrinkles

  • General loss of skin elasticity leading to laxity or loose skin

  • Altered skin texture (roughness, dryness) and open, visible pores

  • Sallow skin

  • Abnormal pigmentation

  • Appearance of hyper-pigmented lesions

  • Loss of subcutaneous adipose (fat) tissue due to atrophy

  • Deepening of skin folds such as the nasolabial folds

  • Drooping of structures such as eyebrows and eyelids


Summary Of Your Treatment

Procedure Time

30 minutes estimated

Full Recovery

24 hours estimated

Back to Work

Immediate estimated

Sensitivity Period

1 hour estimated


No anaesthetic necessary

Duration of Results

3-4 months *

Risk & Complications

Infection, bruises, drooping brow, allergic reactions (e.g. swelling) *

Why choose Centre Of Dental Excellence?


All Centre Of Dental Excellence doctors have years of experience in safely assessing and treating facial ageing. Our knowledge allows us to avoid complications and achieve a subtle, rejuvenating effect. We use only the best quality products and will advise you through every step of the procedure – our aim is always natural subtle effects, rejuvenating the lips and lower face but avoiding the over-filled look that is unnatural, obvious and outdated. Your skin and health is our priority.


The science of Facial Ageing:


There are multiple factors which contribute to ageing of the face: some are unavoidable, such as your genetic predisposition; others factors, such as chronic smoking, sun damage, alcohol abuse, large weight gains or losses, emotional stress and chronic lack of sleep are  avoidable. Free radicals are believed to be the cause of ageing, damaging the DNA (genetic material) of the cell. All of the avoidable factors are believed to increase the formation of free radicals and hence result in cell damage and ageing. Fine lines, wrinkles and skin laxity are caused by the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin dermis (the deeper layer), as is the appearance of open, visible pores. The skin becomes dry, dehydrated and rough due to changes in the epidermis (the most superficial skin layer). Irregular pigmentation occurs as a result of damage to the melanin-producing cells in the dermis. Theses cells can become over-stimulated, resulting in darker pigmentation (e.g. melanoma) or under-stimulated, leading to pale, blotchy areas. Skin blood vessels are also damaged, becoming fewer in number, resulting in a sallow, unhealthy appearance. Skin lesions start to occur, e.g. sun-spots, again due to DNA injury which causes resulting in over-production of skin cell types. Subcutanous fat atrophies, leaving the facial contours empty and saggy, and changes occur to in the facial skeleton. Fat distribution and boney changes contribute to facial hollowing and deepening of facial folds.


How can these ageing issues be treated?


Cellulite is a difficult condition to treat. Things that can be done to improve its appearance are:


  • Good skincare, with appropriate cosmeceuticals, to counteract the process of ageing

  • A diet high in antioxidants, vitamins, healthy fats and plenty of water

  • Regular massages to aid lymphatic drainage and good skin blood flow

  • Botulinum toxin can be successful in relaxing fine lines and wrinkles, particularly in treating fine forehead, glabellar (frown), bunny (nasal), crows feet (eyes) and mouth lines

  • Fillers can be used to replace facial volume loss, correcting hollowing and prominent folds. They can be successful in uplifting  cheeks, nasolabial folds and mild jowls and to treat static lines that are beyond correction by botulinum toxin injections

  • Chemical peels promote skin regeneration, correcting fine lines, photoageing and pigmentation issues

Things to consider…


Cosmeceuticals and peels take time for the effect to become apparent. They are generally not quick fixes. However, with patience and perseverance they will alter the quality and appearance of your skin.


Botulinum toxin injections can be slightly painful and lead to mild bruising. We will advise you on how to minimise the risks, but it is worth bearing this in mind when planning the right time to have your treatment.


Our fillers do include numbing local anaesthetic, but we can also apply a local anaesthetic gel and injectable dental anaesthetic to reduce any pain and discomfort. As with all treatments, Fillers can have side effects, which include bruising, tenderness, redness and swelling. We will advise you on how to minimize the risks, but it is worth bearing this in mind when planning the right time to have your treatment.


Side effects cannot always be prevented but we are fully trained to recognise and treat any issues early and safely.

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What our Patients Say

"I would recommend this practice to friends or family. I was treated with dignity and respect by staff at the practice at all times. I was treated very well and the procedure to be carried was fully explained to me as was the cost. I would recommend this practice to everyone. Wonderful service and treatment."


- John Langton -

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